Thursday, November 24, 2011

Holidays Headaches

I have discovered that holidays aren't as much fun as a parent as it was when I was a kid. I know, duh, right? But really I think as a parent of kids with special needs, holidays pose a whole lot more problems than just the difference of having to cook and clean, etc.

Although my girls love having time off of school and love the excitement of a major holiday like for instance, Thanksgiving, which we just celebrated today, they don't really enjoy having major breaks in their normal routines, or having to visit other people's houses and to eat strange food and to deal with lots of commotion.

When the girls were little I was less concerned about breaking their routine. I'm not sure why that is. Perhaps because I hadn't connected their behaviors to their environment yet or something. At any rate, now, as I am seeing more and more improvement in their behavior due to the structures and routines, I am more anxious on days where the routine is completely thrown out the window.

Tonight I was at least able to maintain the bedtime routine and the girls were relatively calm because of it. There was no crying and fighting or anything like that. I guess that really is worth all the effort and the little sacrifices I have to make in order to maintain it.

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