I finally had my first meeting with the middle school about Brittany. It has been like pulling teeth to get things going for her. The main problem is that she doesn't exhibit the same malfunctioning behavior at school that she does at home. She did in fourth grade when I sought the diagnosis. In fifth grade, she had a really wonderful teacher, different school, different state and we lived with my in laws. Her teacher made accommodations for her automatically like letting her draw on every piece of paper or assignment not only without punishment but with praise for her artwork and creativity. When I asked for a 504 or an IEP stating what accommodations were made for her that had help her be more successful there, he said that he wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary.
It is really hard to see my brilliant child struggling, knowing just how much strain it is putting on her to be so good at school because I have to deal with the aftermath at home. I heard the same line today that "luckily" the school hasn't seen the same disturbing behavior at school as I am seeing at home. Well, I am "lucky" that this time around I had a doctor's note stating that my child needs an IEP and they didn't just brush me off. They didn't write her an IEP or a 504 but at least they are starting some accommodations and will meet every week to evaluate how things are going.
It is times like these that being an advocate for your child is so exhausting. I feel like I'm continually focusing on my child's struggles because those are the things that are going to get her the services she needs. Her strengths are going to get her ignored. I am looking forward to the day when her gifts will outshine her struggles.
Beautifully written. Frustrating to hear, for sure, but I love to hear your resolve to keep fighting. You keep fighting. You are a heroine for your girls! -A