The supervisor for Mary's ABA therapist was here today finishing up her intake process. She and I were reviewing the goals that we had discussed previously and were trying to tweak them. One of the goals for Mary is to help her recognize the signs of a fit coming on and to seek help or to self regulate her behavior so that it doesn't escalate into a full blown fit where she is seeking to hurt her sisters or property.
The tough part about this goal is that she is a pretty good kid when she is not having a fit and so often people who are just meeting her for the first time or that have never seen her fits have a hard time reconciling the Mary they see with the Mary that I'm describing. I liken it to Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde or perhaps the Hulk.
At any rate, it was while we were discussing this very goal that "Mary Hyde" storms into the room and gives the supervisor a near perfect example of what I had described, complete with baby talk, property damage, and aggressive behavior toward her siblings. See! I'm not making this up!
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