Sunday, October 9, 2011

Not a day of rest

I really don't like to admit it but I dread Sundays.  Going to church is a battle from the time we rise till the last "Amen."  And sometimes there are some residual affects that last into the afternoon and evening depending on how severe things got and what Monday has in store.  Yep, Sunday is no longer the day of rest that it used to be, you know, back when I was fifteen. 
Today wasn't much different.  Mary didn't want to get out of bed, as usual, Katherine decided she wanted to wear pants and a t-shirt under her dress for some reason and Brittany was upset that the back of her shoes dug into her heals. 
I fixed most of the issues by making a deal with them that they could have their stuffed animals with them during the main congregational meeting but they had to give them to me for Sunday school.  I gave Brittany the option to wear socks with her church shoes or where her school sandals.  This is where giving them a choice YOU can live with is important because every time I saw those white crew socks with those black pumps, I just cringed. 
Mary had a fit during Sunday school and ran out part way through telling one adult that she was getting a drink while telling another that she was going to the bathroom.  When I couldn't find her at either place I knew I was in trouble. Once I found her, she was already in an unreasonable state and all I could do was to try to keep her near me, which is difficult because she is almost 90lbs and she resorts to stamping on your toes and scratching your arms, if she can. 
I got lucky that it didn't last too long and that downloading Angry Birds on my iPhone and letting her take out her frustration on "evil piggies" did the trick to calm her down.  Sometimes nothing works and it just has to run its course which often takes an hour or more.
By the time Mary was calmed down however, Katherine was acting up in her class and I had to sit with her.  One of the teachers there made the comment that they hadn't understood some of my facebook comments about my rough times with my children until today seeing one after another of my girls have a melt down. Nice to get some acknowledgement.  Once again I am reminded that my girls' issues are just not that apparent, which is both a blessing and a curse.
Well, after a long "Day of Rest," I need to actually rest.  I am worn out.

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